After originally announcing it for Japan and then finally confirming a global release at E3 2019, Square Enix has a new gameplay video for the upcoming War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. If you’ve not kept up with this game, it is a tactical RPG spinoff in the same universe as Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (Free). Watch the English trailer for it below:

The gameplay trailer that Square Enix released over the weekend is from their Japanese YouTube channel for the game. I expect promotion for the West to begin once they have a confirmed release day or once the Japanese version releases if it isn’t a simultaneous release. If you’ve been craving something like Final Fantasy Tactics and have already played War of the Lions, this might be the game for you even though it will be free to play. Watch the new overview gameplay trailer for it below that shows off some nice skill animations in addition to grid based gameplay:

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius will release on iOS and Android devices globally this year. Check out the official English website for it here. The gameplay showcased in the newest video above looks pretty great and I enjoy playing grid based tactical games on iOS. What do you think so far?

from TouchArcade