Shallot Games, makers of such fine mobile titles like the Vista Golf series and Sprout: Idle Garden, are currently working on a more robust building game which they’re calling Shallot Town. Shallot Games, Shallot Town… it makes sense! You might remember if you were a fan of Sprout: Idle Garden that one of the best parts about that game was building and designing the layout of your garden. Did you go symmetrical or asymmetrical? Did you group same types of flowers together in their own sections or go willy nilly with where you placed things? Did you try to create cool designs with your pathways? All those types of things made creating and maintaining your garden in Sprout a ton of fun, and based on this early trailer of Shallot Town, it looks like it’ll take that same concept and excellent idle game-inspired progressions syste, but flesh it out into a full city builder.

You don’t just have to take this trailer’s word for it though, as Shallot Games are looking for beta testers for Shallot Town and the game is currently in open beta on both iOS and Android. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, you can head over to the thread in our forums to find links to both versions of the beta, as well as a link to the developer’s Discord channel. The plan is to release Shallot Town at some point in Q2 of 2020, so likely in spring or early summer, and we’ll keep an eye out for more information on it before then. In the meantime, check out the beta!

from TouchArcade